"Dance Like They're Watching You... 'Cause They Are Watching You!"

Listen to Joco's Solid State. Now! You can listen to it. For free. You have no excuse. Solid State is one of those albums no one saw coming. If you know who Jonathan Coulton is you probably know him for songs like Flickr, Code Monkey, his work on NPR's Ask Me Another, and of course his claim to fame Still Alive (the song at the end of Portal.) Now if you have listened to any of these songs you may realize, these all feel like comedy songs, 'why is Nash saying something he released is a work of art.' Well remember, the point of the court Jester is to realize what's wrong with society.

Solid State is a concept album and I have yet to read the accompanying comic book but I have my own interpretation of the album which I've pieced together over the course of repeat listens all I know about the official story is about two guys in the future named Bob whose lives are intertwined via a sentient A.I. Don't let that fool you though the album is really a dystopian view of the internet's future and it's possible salvation. Songs like Brave, Don't Feed the Trolls, and Pictures of Cats all are clever send ups in their lyrics toward the current state of the internet. Those who know JoCo are aware of his way of playing with clever lyrics that coyly hint about what the song is really about so repeat listens are always necessary to dissecting some of the aforementioned songs. Brave turns out to be a character analysis of your typical Anonymous member. Don't Feed the Trolls, is from the perspective of an A.I. that reads the whole internet realizes were assholes and leaves. And Pictures of Cats is incredibly depressing (much like Facebook hint hint.)

But all of his lyrical genius would be meaningless if the music was bad but thankfully his music is very on point. There are a few guitar licks that are incredible ear worms (Brave, Sunshine, Don't feed the Trolls, and Solid State), and the key board riff in All This Time is Incredible. All of it compliments the tone of his lyrics so perfectly. And the album just feels like a statement it is one whole executed vision. Though JoCo wears his influence proudly. The Album feels very Floydian (specifically Dark Side.) with songs like Wake Up, Robot.txt, and I Want You All to Myself in particular (especially when part two enters with it's psychedelic jam session.) The last song There You Are has this sort of Wall feeling with how it ends. Ball and Chain feels very much like a Paul McCartney on the White Album song (I think of Martha My Dear in particular.) And it might just be me but Don't Feed the Trolls Feels very Pinball Wizard-y in the beginning. JoCo makes these influences his own which really helps him execute the theme of future progress and nostalgic remembrance for the old internet idealism.

The Exemplarily song from this album that will get into the playlist is Sunshine, it's a song that I believe executes the themes of the album all wrapped up in one package. A song about the future and moving on from what we have made. "Our mistakes we're the future but not Anymore."

Now go listen to the album.
