"I'm Supposed to Have Sex With You." (On bad cinema and Summer School.)
Summer School is a terrible movie, do not watch it... unless you need an exemplarily bad comedy. I saw this movie at the Texas Theater with my friend Bob and we thought we were gonna see a bad 80s comedy that just had stupid humor, but this was just bad. There's only so many times I could say, "that's not funny" or "a girl trying to have sex with her teacher isn't funny it's creepy." And yet this was one of the most enjoyable experiences I could have with a friend. I watch bad cinema not for the movie but for the camaraderie of my friends. A bad movie is a traumatic experience one that can be shared with others rather than kept to one's self. Because of this in-jokes develop and another successful mission is under your belt. And is why I will now keep using this song as a calling card for those who have seen it.
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